Hello, I want to start from scratch here and cover all of the bases to make sure your Jetpack connection has the biggest chance of being clean and clear.
Would you be able to try the following -exact- steps for me?
1. From the wp-admin dashboard of your site, please go to Jetpack > Dashboard > Connections > “Manage site connection” from your left-hand menu.
2. Click the “Disconnect” button. If it’s already disconnected, you can skip to the next step.
3. Deactivate your Jetpack plugin by heading to Plugins > Installed Plugins and finding “Jetpack by WordPress.com.”
4. Completely uninstall Jetpack.
5. Update the core of your WordPress, your theme, and all of your plugins to the newest versions.
6. Deactivate all of your plugins.
7. Install the newest version of Jetpack.
8. Activate Jetpack.
9. In Jetpack > Dashboard > Connections > “Manage site connection,” Click the “Set up Jetpack” button and continue through the approval process.
10. Check if the issue is fixed and you can now see the Jetpack panel.
11. If not, try installing and switching to a different, more minimal theme such as Twenty Twenty.
12. Check to see if that fixed it.
13. Once it is fixed, you can try switching back to your old theme and go about turning on your plugins one by one until you see the Jetpack panel disappear, but hopefully it won’t this time.
Please let us know the results of this troubleshooting and we can go from there. Thanks!