• So everything else is working fine on my site.

    The only problem I am running into is that there is no ‘remove item’ option in my cart when on the mobile version on the site, the normal site is fine however and displays an ‘x’ next to the item.

    The only way to remove an item is for me to set my stock quantity on an item greater than 1 (which really isn’t ideal because I may not have the required stock). This allows the quantity ‘up’ and ‘down’ to be used, but still no remove item button.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    P.S I have tried the ’empty cart’ button option but whenever I add any of my own function code to my functions.php file it bricks my website and stops it from loading until I remove the code. Any help on this would also be great.



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  • michelle birdy


    I’m having the same issue, do you know how to fix the issue?
    It’s just on the mobile version of mystile there’s no ‘remove cart’ option.
    Thank you

    Media queries move some elements to -999em when the site is loaded for smaller screens, thus making them disappear. I agree we can get rid of the small product thumbnail and the product’s price when using smaller screens, but taking away the “remove product” option isn’t cool.

    To have the option present for all sizes of screens you need to put the following CSS snippet in your custom.less file, or if you’re not using LESS to compile your CSS, put the snippet in your custom.css file. Make sure the snippet is BEFORE the media query referring to 768px.

    Add styles beneath this line that you want to be applied across your entire site */

    table.cart .product-remove {
    position: static;

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