Since when one can edit in the frontend?? The reset of a location only makes sense for an admin. I don’t want every user to change the locations in my events…
What I can see in the source code is this:
<table class="em-location-data">
<th>Name des Veranstaltungsortes:</th>
<input id="location-id" type="hidden" size="15" value="477" name="location_id">
<input id="location-name" type="text" value="Almaty" name="location_name">
<span style="color:red;">(*)</span>
<p id="em-location-reset" style="display:none;">
Gespeicherte Veranstaltungsorte k?nnen hier nicht bearbeitet werden.
<a href="#">Reset this form to create a location.</a>
I think on this line went something wrong:
<p id="em-location-reset" style="display:none;">
The “display:none” shouldn’t be there?