• Hi There

    I initially started my site on wp.com and got self hosted and switched to wp.org within a few weeks.

    Since the last few updates I have been unable to change basic wordpress settings (general/reading/writing/discussion) through my dashboard. I navigate to the settings page, make a change and when I press save I get a white screen. I am unable to refresh the page, but can navigate back – but no changes have been saved.

    The only way I have found to be able to change these settings are to reconnect Jetpack and then go into wp.com and amend the settings of the site – even though there is no site hosted on wp.com

    I have spoken to my hosts and they can’t identify why this is happening.

    Any assistance would be appreciated and my site is maketimetoseetheworld.com (if required)

    Thank you

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by vickigarside.
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  • Hi Vicki,

    when you say that you get a “white screen”, that usually is the result of PHP errors. It’s a common WordPress issue, also called “White screen of death”. ??

    Have you tried to completely disable the plugins on your website? Do you then still get the white screen when you try to save your changes?

    Thread Starter vickigarside


    I have tried completely disabling all plugins – I still cannot save any of the settings.

    My host recommended posting in here as they thought WP would be interested as it isn’t an issue caused by any plugins.

    Who’s moved your database from .com to your self-hosted domain? And did that one updated the links inside?

    Hi Vicki,

    just that you know, we’re not WP. ?? WordPress is a free open-source project (in contrast to WordPress.com, which is a commercial project, run by a company named Automattic) and these forums here are community forums where other users and developers offer help in their free time.

    I have tried completely disabling all plugins – I still cannot save any of the settings.

    That’s very weird and hard to analyze without access to your environment. However, when you say that the issue still occurs after you’ve disabled all plugins, then the only logical explanation is that it’s either a hosting / database related issue or there went something wrong while moving your site from WordPress.com.

    Thread Starter vickigarside


    This was the only way I could find to contact WP – my mistake that anyone from Automattic would be interested – and thanks to those of you who have responded to try and help.

    The site was moved over by Bluehost – and I had no issues with the settings page for the first year of having the site – it has only been after recent updates from WordPress that the settings pages no longer work.

    I have a workaround, so it’s not a major issue – it’s just annoying that I have to go back and turn off the ‘close comments after x days’ section after each WP update.

    Thanks again everyone.

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