• I couldn’t get ‘target by URL’ to work, but fixed it after some troubleshooting and it was easy, but not logical, so i thought I’d share.

    If you have a sidebar, for example, and have several text widgets and want each text widget to appear on different pages only, this fix is for you:

    1. Choose ‘Show on Selected’
    2. Tick ‘All Pages’ (if it’s a page, or ‘all posts’, if it’s a post)
    3. Under target by url, enter your url:
    example a – https://ilovewordpress.com/help/intro/ -OR-
    example b – /help/intro/

    Example B is better in case the domain name changes, as it’s not hardcoded into your widgets.

    Whilst this is a great plugin, I find the instructions illogical, as it says “OR target by url”, so you don’t think you need to tick the ‘all pages’. It does not work unless you tick this.

    I hope you find this helpful.


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  • Thank you so much. It was indeed a great source of confusion before I saw your post.

    Plugin Author Kaspars


    @mtstudios, you shouldn’t check “All Pages” when you want to target only certain pages by the URL. Instead, simply add the URL patterns and leave the “All Pages” unchecked.

    Please keep in mind that “Target by URL” expects the part of URL following the domain name, so instead of https://example.com/about/ use about and about/* to target the “About” page and all its child pages.

    I have tried using both ways and neither works unfortunately.

    For an address ‘vous_test1’ , I choose ‘show widget on selected’ and then enter ‘vous_test1’ and ‘vous_test1/*’ (without quotations of course) and it does not work..

    It was working perfectly with the version 0.8.3..

    Please advice..


    Plugin Author Kaspars


    @turquise1 What is the URL of your site?

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