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  • AmiG


    @YourTraces BRILLIANT! Thank you. You have taken FWP out of second gear and into overdrive. Really appreciate your help.

    Oh man, thanks a lot. Now I remember turning that on in the first test site, the one with the problem. Good job tracking that down, thanks so much! Crossing fingers for a bug fix (although the feature doesn’t seem to be too important).



    Well, it’s is fixed but only up to a point.

    Searching/sorting by categories and tags still doesn’t work. I’ve disabled faceted search plug-ins and still cannot search and sort.

    With FWP disabled everything works as expected. Searching and sorting by category and tags…no problem.

    Any ideas? I’ve spent altogether too long trying to get this plug-in to work. Any pointers would be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.



    @amig: you mean if you visit you see no posts displayed? And that is what is displays after you disable “Optimize IN clauses”? Is there a chance your cache is still active and you are still seeing cached pages? I am unsure what else could be the problem at this stage.



    @wpchina Correct. Both and return the loop-no-post page.

    I have cleared the cache and optimized the database with no effect. Everything works w/ FWP disabled.

    AmiG have you tried reinstalling the plugin entirely? I’m not sure if it will work but might be worth a shot if you haven’t yet.



    @amig: hmmm that is odd. Over the past few weeks when you had the problem do you remember trying to fix it by adding filters or plugins that limit/filter/omit categories/tags? I did that myself and uninstalled them when we found the solution. I would follow @andyh13’s advice and uninstall/reinstall it and also look through your wp_options for any fwp rows too and delete those.

    Same problem …

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