• I recently installed WordFence on a Client’s site. When configuring the settings, I set it so that failed logins using the (non-existent) username “Admin” would automatically lockout a user for a period of 5 days. Of course, the very next day, my client accidentally tried to login using “Admin” as their username and was locked out of their website.

    Once they notified me that they couldn’t access the site, I was able to verify their IP address and found that same IP listed in WordFence as blocked IP, so I clicked “Unblock” and informed them that the issue should be resolved. However, this is where things got weird. They still can’t access the site.

    Since that time, I have tried everything I can think of, but the issue persists. I have disabled the WordFence plugin, but that didn’t work. I checked the .htaccess file to see if their IP was blocked there, but no luck. Finally, I deleted the WordFence plugin, but the issue still persists. Has anyone experienced this issue or have suggestions on what to try? I’ve done everything I can think of and cannot figure out why they are still unable to access the site??? Please help!

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  • Hi, it looks like the blocking record is stuck somewhere, try to completely removed WF according to https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/how-to-completely-delete-wf-from-database-and-install-without-dashboard/
    And then install it again.

    Thread Starter michaelsliter


    Thanks for the response @kalashnikovevg. I followed the steps provided in the link you provided, but the issue still persists. I’m confident this issue has to be related to WordFence, since it started when WordFence initially blocked their IP.

    Any suggestions on additional steps? I really appreciate any support anyone could provide.

    Hi @michaelsliter
    It’s not possible to get blocked because of Wordfence after the plugin has been deactivated on your client’s site, it’s not clear to me what your client gets when trying to log in after you unblocked his IP? it could be something else blocking his access that is not related to Wordfence.


    Thread Starter michaelsliter


    Hi @wfalaa. Thanks for the response. The client receives the message “This site can’t be reached (ERR, CONNECTION, TIMED, OUT)” within their browser. This is happening from every computer in the office, since they share a common static IP. Any other IP address tested by their IT team can access the website and ping the A record, with the exception of that single IP address. From that IP, they cannot ping or browse.

    This is the same IP that was listed in WordFence when they were locked out due to the Client’s failed login attempt. They have been unable to access the website since that time and I have been unable to restore their access – even after unblocking the IP within WordFence, whitelisting the IP within WordFence, disabling the plugin, deleting the plugin, and following the steps provided in the thread @kalashnikovevg provided above.

    Any input would be appreciated. If the block isn’t a result of WordFence, as you stated, what steps can I take to verify that? It seems unlikely that another issue is causing the blocked IP since it was WordFence that blocked it initially.

    Any assistance or direction would be greatly appreciated.


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