Can’t upload image in 2.5
I just upgraded to 2.5, and according to the upgrade.php page, everything is working fine. But when I try to upload images (in Firefox I get a blank screen after I tell it to insert the image into my post.
Can anyone help?
Thank you,
KristanUPDATE: I’m having several other problems and going through the forums trying to fix… Can we have a one-click upgrade next time?
I’m stuck in the same boat as well. I have tried everything on the sticky post regarding the issue. I have disabled plugins, cleared cache/supercache/browser cache, etc etc. I also ran the ‘No flash uploader” plugin, and that gives me the error with a little more info.
“Error 500 – Internal server error
An internal server error has occurred!
Please try again later.”I was able to post photos all along with 2.5, this issue seems to have turned up within the past week, in which time I have added no plugins or made any changes. I am a bit stumped. ??
UPDATE – I seem to have solved my issue though not completely because I can make the issue come back.
First, the issue seems to be coming from Stats and/or a combination with WP-SuperCache. If you disable all plugins, then flush the cache files, then fire up the plugins again, everything works fine and dandy until you re-enable Stats…then the error comes back. Even if you disable the plugin, the error remains. You have to now flush the WP-Cache/Supercache, deactivate, then re-activate the WP-SuperCache to get it working again. I’m not sure if this makes sense to someone else who knows better than I, the only thing I can think of is the fact that the info populating stats is coming from offsite? What these have to do with uploading photos is beyond me, but I can fix/break it using the methods I posted above.
I am going to try manually deleting and reinstalling the plugins to see if I can get things working properly.
This is an extremely distressing problem. The No-Flash-Uploader plugin doesn’t work for me; it shows as activated, but it didn’t disable the flash uploader and I still have no way of uploading photos. Do I need to revert to an older version of WordPress just to be able to upload photos? I can’t remember ever seeing such an obviously troubled feature go live in a WordPress release before.
You really can’t run a blog without the ability to upload images. I’ve tried the solutions offered in the pinned post, and they’re simply not solving the problem. I don’t know what to do.
UPDATE 2 – Stats + WP-SuperCache GOOD!
After manually clearing all remains of the cache and the plugins, they are playing well together….
WP-SPAM Free is killing it now and I think I see what’s happening.
If WP-SPAM free is turned ON the error occurs, and once it does, there are 2 fresh pages in the cache. If you then turn off WP-SPAM Free, I am guessing that you are being served the cached pages for the uploader, because the error remains until you flush the cache again.
Now…to poke around with Spam Free for a bit…
you can manually upload your images to your server (FTP) and also manually insert them into your posts with basic HTML.
if this sounds to complicated, you can also download (free) and use windows live writer. it works very well.
You are a lifesaver… I just downloaded Windows Live Writer, it integrated into my WordPress blog perfectly and I was able to post into my theme with ZERO problems.
I will just use the WL Writer from now on…
wp 2.5 has been complete crap for me so far. I wish I never upgraded
I agree. . . too many issues for me also using 2.5.
Image upload issues
Post frame in the editor being too large
Rotating quotes plugin no longer works.
Mobile WordPress plugin auto upgrade screws up – manual upgrade works fine.UPDATE – Final…I give in (for now)
Disabling WP-Cache, Stats, and WP-SPAM Free and I have 0% problems. I am sticking with that for the time being until I run into issues, or a specific cause/fix comes out.
Thanks for all the info in this and the other linked threads, it’s appreciated.
Have just upgraded to 2.5 and now I can no longer insert images,
I get the messageFatal error: Call to undefined function image_downsize() in /home2/newyorka/public_html/wp-includes/post.php on line 2326
It doesn’t mater what size the image is, I get the same message.
Please help, my Blog is mostly photos.I had a great deal of trouble uploading images and getting an error message. On ther server I found multiple copies of my images which I had to remove. Then the photos turned up in the media library from which I was able to insert the photos. But that didn’t continue to work. I uploaded new photos, they went into the uploads folder on the server but I had no access to them in the media library, only question mark ikons were there and I cannot load the photos again. Now the post has lost its side bar and I cannot even log in at all. This upgrade has been a frustrating disaster.
Can anyone help with this new problem? i.e. the side bar only contains the archive list, no log in or anything else.I really hate to keep pointing this out, but most of the errors I’m seeing are fixed by the things I’ve said in this thread: I cannot stress this enough, even if those steps seem stupid, do them anyway.
Take vhygdte’s post just above here, where he’s getting “Call to undefined function image_downsize()”… The very first step in that thread will fix his problem. Easy.
The answers are out there, people. Read. We can’t hold your hand through it.
Otto…trust me, I have been through every step along the way, every post, every link, every .htaccess modification, and nothing has worked so far (for me anyhow) besides disabling the WordPress Stats and Cache scripts. There are some specific errors posted here that are not mentioned in your like or the other spinoff links. Lots of the errors in this thread are not being fixed by the link that you hate to keep pointing out. I am sure it has solved the issues for some folks, but it’s not the magic fix for the rest of us.
One constant I can prove, is that small files (< 200k) will upload 100% of the time, while anything (> 300k) is a failure. I don’t pretend to understand it, but I have gone through every resource available here so far and nothing has worked.
I can, and am able to work around the issue, so all is not lost, it’s more of a convenience and the ability to run things the way I was prior to this error showing up. I appreciate the help that is being give here, it’s just not working in all of these cases.
Final Update?
Seems that all of the issues have cleared up for me since installing 2.5.1 today. I have added and turned on all previous plugins, and all uploads are going through without a hitch. Not sure if that’s the answer for everyone, but it worked here.
Hello all
I got the same problem. I found out, all images i upload, are saved /wp-admin/wp-content/uploads and not unter /wp-admin/upload.
Any ideas why?
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