To change the order of time and date of the comment.
For this follow the given below instruction.
1 Find the comments.php file located in your theme directory.
2 Open it and find the below line of code on line no 27
<h6 class="comment-detail-title"><?php esc_html(comment_author()); ?> <span class="comment-date"><?php esc_html_e('Posted on','spicepress'); ?><?php echo esc_html(comment_time()); ?><?php echo " - "; echo esc_html(comment_date());?></span></h6>
3 And replace it with the below line of code.
<h6 class="comment-detail-title"><?php esc_html(comment_author()); ?> <span class="comment-date"><?php esc_html_e('Posted on','spicepress'); ?><?php echo " "; echo esc_html(comment_date()); ?><?php echo " UM  "; echo esc_html(comment_time()); ?></span></h6>
Let me know for any confusion.