Hi @pixelsandinkstudio
I hope you’re well today!
Captcha, Honeypot and Akismet enabled all together is a pretty powerful combo and while there’s never a 100% protection, it definitely should eliminate most of spam submissions.
But you wrote: “forminator seems to be recording submissions that fail captcha“. And this is something that should not be happening at all.
Forminator only saves successful submission and if captcha verification fails, submission cannot be made. So no submission should ever be saved if captcha doesn’t validate.
If you say it does it, it would suggest that either there’s some loophole that we are not yet aware of that allows bypassing it (though I would assume that Akismet should still prevent most of such submissions) or the captcha itself fails – as in “it actually doesn’t work sometimes”.
With that said, let me ask first:
1. How did you determine/what made you suspect that there was failed captcha verification for those saved spam submissions?
2. I just tried to make a submission, deliberately not solving captcha; I got a proper error and no confirmation of submission; could you check and confirm if my submission (as Adam WPMU) got saved or not?
3. In “Behavior” settings of the form where you enable Akismet, is Akismet set to “Fail submission” or to “Mark as Spam”?
4. Do you have any caching plugin active and/or is there any server side cache and are you using any additional security plugins on site? if yes, what are those?
5. And last but not least, could you share export of the form with us so we could test it on our end?
To do that:
– go to “Forminator -> Forms” page in site’s back-end
– click on a little “gear” icon next to the form in question
– select “Export” option from the drop-down menu there
– copy given export code and put it at https://pastebin or download export json file and put it at your Google Drive, Dropbox or similar
– share a link to it in your response below.
1. this will not include any submitted data/form submissions and none of configured credentials (such as e.g. reCaptcha keys or other); we don’t need them anyway
2. if there’s any other “sensitive information” on the form that you’d rather not share – you may want to make a copy of the form first, edit it to remove them and then share export of that copy
Best regards,