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  • Agreed. I’m subscribed. Hoping to get an update.

    Hello!, i modified the Plugin, to use REcaptcha (the google captha) whit this, here is the code:

    Instructions to install it:

    – Edit the plugin, in the plugins manager, and replace the code.
    – In the code, line 15 and 16 remplaze the public and private recaptcha key.
    – Create a folder called “includes” in the root of your installation of WordPress (this folder will be together with the wp_admin, wp_content…)
    – In this new folder, add a file called index.php (and leave it empty), and you need to add the ReCaptcha library, download it from and put the file recaptchalib.php in the “includes” folder.
    – Now test your Grunion Contact Form.

    if you get some problem or anything, you just tell me,
    Cheers!!! ??

    Thread Starter kihon


    What does remplaze mean?

    sorry, remplaze => replace

    did you get the script working?

    To take a look what i did, here is a diff:

    Also i added an autoresponse in the line 562, you can avoid that.

    Hi marcoloco, I would like to take a look at that diff file, with the differences from your edit to the original file. Because I have made some changes myself, mainly translating things, so I wouldnt want to run over that pasting your entire code to the file.


    I figured it out, it was pretty easy to detect the differences, however, i made all the changes and followed the steps you gave here, but then no captcha shows up on my contact form. and when i try to send a message, it returns the captcha verification error and doenst send.

    what am i missing?

    my bad! i just missed one line, which happens to be the one that includes the captcha. haha. thanks a lot for the code, it works great and helped me a lot!

    Gracias, me fue de mucha utilidad!

    Thanks marcoloco, it works perfectly for me. Great.

    If you have problems with comments being caught after starting to use reCaptcha and you also use Akismet please first de-activate reCaptcha and see what happens. Chances are you will find that the problem goes away.

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