• Hi everyone, i am new to the wordpress community and I am about to build a really simple static website, of course involving a “Contact Us” section.
    I already implemented it using this cool plugin. After styling it a bit i was ready to give it an actual try and i found out 2 problems, one probably not related to the plugin but i am gonna talk about it anyways, maybe someone of you can help me ??

    1)I am developing locally (localhost)
    2)I am using latest WordPress + WAMP and Windows environment

    1)The Captcha is, for some reason, not required (as well as the body of the email apparently O_o). I managed to make the body required hacking a bit on the code but can’t do the same for the CAPTCHA. Am i doing something wrong? Did i not setup something about it?

    2)After several tries the email doesn’t seem to be sent. I always get the “red” error message. I don’t know if there is something wrong with the plugin or that i have to setup something for my localhost.

    Thanks to everyone that will come in ??


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  • Thread Starter Horizont


    I am sorry about the textarea as optional, i realized you only have to indicate “mandatory field” in the plugin, it was that easy ??

    The problem about the CAPTCHA remains as it’s intended to be mandatory but still it shows as optional.

    Same goes for the email failing to be sent

    RE: Captcha Issue
    Are you able to post the code you are using in the Form secion of the CF7 interface? With that others here may be able to offer more assistance.

    RE: Email Issue
    You are unlikely to be able to send emails from your localhost – you need a functioning Mail Server. More common to test email functionality when you get your site on to your hosting account.

    Thread Starter Horizont


    First of all, thank you for the answer ??

    What code are you referring to? What I did was generating the shortcode through the plugin interface and it gave me something like

    [captchac captcha-xxx]
    [captchar captcha-xxx]

    As a matter of fact i was thinking about the API key which i didn’t provide in any step of the configuration… maybe that’s the problem?

    I talked about this issue because i was wondering if there was a way to test it while still on localhost, you don’t wanna put your website online not being sure that every functionality fully work. But then again you can put it on maintenance i guess and test it while in that state.

    RE: Captcha – What code are you referring to?
    Everything in the Form secion of the CF7 interface. Should look something like this:

    <p>Your Name (required)<br />
        [text* your-name] </p>
    <p>Your Email (required)<br />
        [email* your-email] </p>
    <p>Subject<br />
        [text your-subject] </p>
    <p>Your Message<br />
        [textarea your-message] </p>
    <p>[submit "Send"]</p>

    RE: Email
    Setting up a working Mail Server on your localhost is a techncially complex task and may be way beyond you current skill level. It’s a task that many highly skilled WordPress Designer/Developers would likely avoid.

    If you don’t have a separate development site where you can test things (something most skilled WordPress Designer/Developers would have) you could as you suggest create the live site and put it in maintenance mode while testing.

    Thread Starter Horizont



    <p>Nome e Cognome<span style=”color: #B81005;”>*</span>
    [text* your-name] </p>

    <p>Email<span style=”color: #B81005;”>*</span>
    [email* your-email] </p>

    [text your-subject] </p>

    <p>Messaggio<span style=”color: #B81005;”>*</span>
    [textarea* your-message] </p>

    <p>[captchac captcha-153 size:l]</p>
    <label>Inserisci il codice riportato sopra<span style=”color: #B81005;”>*</span> [captchar captcha-432]</label>

    <p>[submit “Invia”]</p>

    This is the code i am using in my current cf7 form

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