Captcha not showing for comments
This is how code looks like in comments.php file of my theme. What i need to add and where?
<?php /** * * comments.php * * The comments template. Used to display post or page comments and comment form. * * Additional settings are available under the Appearance -> Theme Options -> Comments. * */ if (!empty($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) && 'comments.php' == basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) die('Please do not load this page directly. Thanks!'); if (post_password_required()) { ?> <div class="art-comments"> <h2 class="art-postheader nocomments"><?php _e('This post is password protected. Enter the password to view any comments.', THEME_NS) ?></h2> </div> <?php return; } if (have_comments()) { ?> <div class="art-comments"> <h2 class="art-postheader comments"><?php printf( _n('One Response to %2$s', '%1$s Responses to %2$s', get_comments_number(), THEME_NS), number_format_i18n(get_comments_number()), get_the_title() ); ?></h2> <?php theme_ob_start(); paginate_comments_links(); $pagination = theme_stylize_pagination(theme_ob_get_clean()); echo $pagination; ?> <ul id="comments-list"> <?php wp_list_comments('type=all&callback=theme_comment'); ?> </ul> <?php echo $pagination; ?> </div> <?php } if (!comments_open()) { return; } /* comment form */ theme_ob_start(); $args = array(); if (theme_get_option('theme_comment_use_smilies')) { function theme_comment_form_field_comment($form_field) { theme_include_lib('smiley.php'); return theme_get_smilies_js() . '<p class="smilies">' . theme_get_smilies() . '</p>' . $form_field; } add_filter('comment_form_field_comment', 'theme_comment_form_field_comment'); } comment_form(); echo str_replace( array('id="respond"', '<h3', 'id="reply-title"', '</h3>', 'logged-in-as', 'type="submit"'), array('id="respond" class="art-commentsform"', '<h2', 'id="reply-title" class="art-postheader"', '</h2>', 'art-postcontent logged-in-as', 'class="art-button" type="submit"'), theme_ob_get_clean());
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