Hello @gm173,
Thanks for activating reCAPTCHA on the form, and I was able to replicate the issue on my end.
I see that you are using reCAPTCHA version 3 which works differently than version 2, and bases possible spam on a scoring system. There is an option on the reCAPTCHA settings page that makes it possible to modify the scoring threshold (0.0 to 1.0). What may be happening is that the threshold is set too low for the activity on your form. Basically, Google may think some legitimate traffic is spam. You can try modifying the threshold by going to WPForms > Settings > CAPTCHA. I’ve gone ahead and raised it from 0.4 to 0.5 to see if this corrects the issue for you.
If that still doesn’t fix the problem, try switching from reCAPTCHA v3 to reCAPTCHA v2. We’ve seen that some sites have trouble running version 3 of reCAPTCHA and typically do better with version 2, which Google has had available for a much longer period of time.
For more information on the CAPTCHA options, check out this page in our documentation. It goes over the different types of CAPTCHA tools that WPForms supports:
Thanks, and please let me know how it goes!