• me9


    Zo the last 2 days of my life where about chekking out CAPTCHA plugins. Not much longer and i realy know them all.

    Thro the search updates in wordpress by entering : “registration spam ” you get 4 pages. I’m half way thro page 3. I thryd all the active updates and cant get to wurk even 1 on the correct page !

    Zo the problem is probally not the plugins.

    The problem is i cant get the CAPTCHA get to wurk on the registration page. On all the other page’s like posting a message ore login they do show up. But i only need it on the “new user registration ” page.

    When i have installed a CAPTCHA plugin and try tho registrate a new user it says ” pls fill in the CAPTCHA ” only it DUNST SHOW UP !

    Pls help me before i kill my zelf ??

    Thank you

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