• Hi all,

    I’ve had this WP site up for a couple years, and recently it started asking me the following “captcha” every time I visit the login screen:

    WordPress administrator CAPTCHA. Enter username: eaasvm Password: The result of math 28+4

    It seems very fishy, I don’t think it’s supposed to be there. It appears as an authentication popup, something that would be created by a .htaccess file. I’ve searched through all the .htaccess files on my server, and I haven’t found anything.

    See this link for screenshot: https://imgur.com/91gQfW8

    Any ideas?

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  • Have you looked/tested to see if your site has been hacked?

    Have you asked your hosting company if they’ve instituted any security measures?

    Same issue here. I tried all sorts of plugins and plugin combos to try to knock this out.

    Upon register or login, this pops up. It is confusing to everyone. There is no reason for such a thing to even exist. It asks for dwmm6c and the sum of 15+8 to be entered, although it looks like a login prompt, similar to scyberia’s image.

    If I could get some info on how to make this go away permanently, I would be grateful. I just switched all to WP and this is a deal breaker for some.

    Additionally, this poorly constructed CAPTCHA ask for username and PW, which almost everyone takes to mean their desired uname/PW if new registration or login info if already registered.

    I would even settle for a reasonable, easy to understand CAPTCHA. Best case, show me where in the code I can hack this out completely. I would be willing to keep that as a SOP from now on to prevent this huge inconvenience.

    Since it says “WordPress administrator CAPTCHA”, it doesn’t seem like a generic hosting security “feature”.


    Roy Minton, MTA, A+, MCP, Security+, CISSP

    Apparently, WebHostingPad made the message look more specific by the verbiage:
    “WordPress administrator CAPTCHA”

    They corrected this and so far this sorry excuse for a CAPTCHA is now gone away!

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