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  • I have a similar problem. Sometimes the caption displays, sometimes not. Final Tiles galleries with Everlight Lightbox seem to display correctly the captions. However media inserted directly in a post won’t display the caption in Everlight. I tried to insert the caption everywhere, directly in the picture, in WP media panel, etc. Where does Everlight search for the caption?
    Thanks for help.

    Well, the problem with captions is that every gallery place them in a different way. Sometimes they’re just below the image, sometimes they’re hidden and so on.

    So, in order to make this plugin working with more galleries as possible I need to inspect each case.

    @lyubo can you tell me the name of the plugin you used to show those images?

    @manderes as explained the plugin searches for captions in several known “places”. If it can’t get the caption it means I have to inspect the case and add new code to the plugin. Can you share a URL where EverlightBox doesn’t get the caption?

    Thanks for quick response.
    In this post in I have inserted a gallery from the WP media panel:

    In this post I have inserted manually 2 pictures:

    In both cases captions don’t show up. The caption text resides in the jpg-file itself and in the WP media panel.
    As one uploads image files WordPress generates some copies with reduced sizes (thumbnails etc.). These files don’t contain the captions anymore. Could this be the problem? But anyway, the caption is still in the media panel, so Everlight should be able to get it.


    Thread Starter Lyubo


    Thank you for the fast response. There are problems with your last update!
    I use the Everlight Lightbox without gallery plugin. I insert a picture with the “Media” button (using TinyMCE Editor) in a page or post. As I said before it works pretty good (till the last update!) but not showing the captions.
    I tried your plugin at another homepage. Same conditions. It didn’t work at all. Then I tried it again on the first homepage after updating it. It didn’t work at all, again. After that I recovered the old version to the both homepages and it worked pretty good, but still not showing the caption at both ones.
    Here a link with still working Everlight Lightbox – old version:


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Lyubo.

    Hi Lyubo,

    sorry for the issue. Are you sure you have enabled the option “All linked images” under the “Features” tab?

    Captions cannot be shown because there is a custom markup which I don’t know where it comes from. Maybe your theme modifies the standard markup, it’d be interesting to see if it happens with a standard theme (like Twentysixteen). If I can understand the source of your markup I can add an option to my plugin.

    Hi Lyubo, hi Michael

    I’m dummy! Your galleries have nothing wrong nor they’ve anything different from the standard WP galleries. I’ll fix caption asap.


    Thanks, I’m looking forward for an update.


    Thread Starter Lyubo


    OK, thanks. Please address the problem with the last update. Version 1.0.8 works fine (except caption) on a Multisite installation (tested at two different installations). Version 1.0.10 doesn’t work (Pop Up Box shows up but without any infos or functions and can not be closed).

    I’m uploading the fix. However I’ve not found any bug in last version.

    I’ve deeply checked the markup produced by WordPress when you add images through the Media Panel.

    Images with captions can be detected but images without a caption (I mean, single images without a gallery) can’t be detected, that’s because WordPress doesn’t mark them with anything, so it’s just a linked images just like any other linked image.

    So, if you’re using single images without caption, you’ll need to flag the “All images” checkbox under the “Features” tab (EverlightBox settings page).

    You should see the new update notification in few minutes.

    Thread Starter Lyubo


    Thank you for the great support!
    It works at Multisite installation! My mistake was that I didn’t added the images through the media panel at the subpages.
    What still doesn’t work at my themes is the caption. I spended some time now testing your plugin. The caption is shown at the “Twenty Sixteen” but not at several other themes. (I use some themes from InkThemes)
    I tried now the most of the LightBox Plugins available for WordPress. It would be perhaps helpful if a share what I found out: There are only few which are good (this one inclusive). The most of them are not showing the caption at different themes. Some are showing the alt text instead (perhaps a workaround). The only one which has good functionality and shows the caption at all my themes is Simple Lightbox by Archetyped. You can take some ideas from it to improve yours perhaps.
    If you need a test environment, I can give you access to one of my sites.
    The social sharing functions with your plugin are really great and I would not want to miss them.

    Has this issue been solved? I see the same pattern for my images too. All linked images selected.

    I only have native media images, I use no gallery plugin, but no matter what I pick the captions do not show on the image popup.

    Thread Starter Lyubo


    It works with some themes. Still not showing at my.

    Not very nice since my theme is custom made, it’s not a default theme modified. Thanks. At least I know it’s not me.

    Thread Starter Lyubo


    Yes, with your last update it works! Congratulations, 5 stars!

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