• We use the Carousel Block on every product posts but I’m having an issue with the images cropping. I’m not very good with CSS but what I believe I need to do is set the images to object-fit: contain to preserve the aspect ratio and resize to show the full image. How can I add this in the Advanced > CSS property for the block? It would be great if this was an option that could be configured so you can choose between Cover, Fill and Contain.

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  • Plugin Author Anthony Ledesma


    Hi @shaunmehr,

    Thank you for this support request. Inspired by your inquiry I have gone ahead and create a feature request for the Carousel block to give users more ability on the image properties. This would hopefully give you the control that you are looking for.

    As far as your inquiry on how to apply advanced CSS I would advise to target Carousel specific classes. This should limit your style changes to just the images if done correctly. You should be able to ‘view source’ or ‘inspect element’ to get an idea of what the structure looks like.

    Feel free to follow along, comment, or contribute to the enhancement request on the official CoBlocks GitHub:

    Best regards,


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