• I’m loving the Lucienne theme, but on the carousel, my thumbnails are zoomed in very very closely, distorting the picture and making it so that you can’t tell what the images are. Any help on how to make this ‘zoom out’ would be greatly appreciated!

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  • The carousel shows each post’s featured image, not a thumbnail. Are the featured images on those posts large or small? Images at least 800px wide should look good. The maximum width of the slider is 810px. If you provide a link to your site, I can offer some feedback.

    This site is using the Lucienne theme: https://sharizook.com/

    Ryan Zook, do you know how your Carousel images appear centered in mobile and tablet formats? I have the same theme but mine are shifted to the left. Could you help please?


    Hi, I added this snippet of CSS to the WordPress Customizer Additional CSS option:

    #slider .item {
    background-size: contain !important;
    background-position-x: center !important;

    Since you’re using a child theme, you could add that same snippet to your child theme’s style.css file instead.

    @zookcomputer, thank you for the snippet of CSS. It solved the featured images being zoomed in. However, when using the CSS you provided, I still experience some irregularities: the pictures in the carousel (so 1 for each post) aren’t the same size, causing some disturbances in the clean look of the carousel. Any suggestions?

    @mevrouwtheezeef, I’m not sure I can help you with that issue. The theme adjusts the *width* of the slideshow items using Javascript, but as the photo scales to the correct width, its height changes as well. If the featured images on those posts in the carousel have different aspect ratios (16×9, 4×3, etc), they will have different heights.

    If having the carousel images the same height is very important to you, you could consider resizing your featured images to have the same width and height.

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