• Resolved andrewlotakoun


    Hello i am having trouble with my cart page and i’m not sure if its a theme issue, hosting issue or the plugin issue but when a product is in the cart and someone tries to enter a coupon code or try’s to add another product or click the “change address” link it keeps redirecting me to the home page.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Did you try resetting permalinks:
    Dashboard > Settings > Permalinks & click save twice.

    Thread Starter andrewlotakoun


    yes i tried it and it doesn’t work. For some reason it wont let me choose the standard option under product permalink. when i choose it and press save changes it goes back to custom base. I don’t know if this is the problem? Thank you so much for the reply i appreciate the help!

    Please check the permissions on .htaccess. They should be 644.

    If you don’t have access to cpanel / file manager, you can use the plugin
    “All in One WP Security” and go to the “Filesystem Security” page. It will check whether .htaccess and other key files have the correct permissions.

    Plugin Support con



    Hi there,

    We haven’t heard back from you in a while, so I’m going to mark this as resolved – if you have any further questions, you can start a new thread.

    Kind regards,

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  • The topic ‘cart page error’ is closed to new replies.