Background image:
Might I suggest making a large div to place your content into with the background image for THAT div (bkgrd2.jpg) with no-repeat while running the rest of the background in the main body repeating? As it stand right now, those of us with higher resolutions will be seeing this looping background that winds up just taking away from the overall visual appeal of the site.
What’s the connection between a black and white cutout of a newspaper boy shouting about newspapers, a clip-art insert of a newspaper in a seemingly random position, and a boat style wood cutout for with the site name?
There seem to be 3 different themes going on, and they can’t quite figure out what they want to be: is the theme supposed to be journalistic; is it supposed to be lazy home boat on the river; is it supposed to be kind old Western…?
Top navigation:
Floating all by itself in close proximity to the main logo design with no indication that it’s there and that people should use it to navigate the site. The corner of my eye wrote it off as arbitrary text, but upon closer inspection I realized that it was site navigation.
Follow us…
You could have achieved the same feature without putting a sidebar widget on the bleeding edge of the screen by just putting this functionality below the content of the post (using smaller icons, of course).
I know, I know
You didn’t ask for my criticism.
The signs look great. …I’m sure you didn’t create your wife (/poke @marjiec).