Case sensitive MySQL table names -> broken migrations
I caught a reference to this problem in the issue:
Appreciate that the plugin’s not supported on Windows, and that’s fine, but many devs do localhost development, and want the plugin ready to roll when they deploy to a live (linux) server.
After a backupbuddy migration from a Windows XAMPP host, I don’t see duplicate tables (which I could live with / work around), instead I see a slew of low-level WordPress errors as Wordfence attempts to write to non-existent tables, the lower-case versions of which exist.
It appears to be an unwritten convention for WP devs not to use case sensitivity when naming tables, otherwise this would be a much more widespread issue. This is the first time I’ve encountered it, and I’ve migrated a number of sites in the last 3 years (estimate 20+).
I’ve got *nix hosting across a number of providers, and this is the first time I’ve seen this; it could be that some have lower_case_table_names set in their my.ini
Your reference number for this issue is FB1078 – no idea what that means, as you don’t run a public bugtracker. Any progress on it?
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