• Shortcode supports cat=”” and tag=”” where tag =”hello” will snag only posts having the tag hello? Is that correct? I have been unable to make it work.

    [rpwe limit=”50″ tag=”2012″ excerpt=”true” length=”30″ thumb=”” thumb_default=”” date=””]

    Adding tag=”2012″ into that line not only doesn’t snag the two posts with that tag, but reports no posts at all.

    Alternatively, is there a shortcode argument that will pick up just those posts published in 2012?


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  • [email protected]


    In the post menu under tag you will see all of your available tags listed. This plugin was set up to use the ID # instead of just the normal human read tag we’d typically use with some plugins.

    If you hover over your 2012 tag in the list for a few seconds you will see in the left hand side of your browser a URL will appear. In that URL you will find a ID # for that tag or category. This is the number you need to use within your shortcode cat=”#” or tag=”#”

    Hope that helps

    Terri—thanks for the hint. I need to root around and find my project_tag in the URL by editing the tag in the /project/tag page. Then project_tag=number worked for me.

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