catch box child theme not working "cheatin uh"
Hey there! I’m working on setting up a child theme for catch box and it’s not going so well. I’ve used the one-click plugin, which works fine, but I wanted to manually set up a child theme in case I needed to access the php files. For example, I changed a few things in the functions.php of the catch box parent theme, but when I upgraded yesterday I lost thoses changes. So I went about manually creating the child theme with my FTP so I could avoid this in the future. I created a separate folder in wp-content/themes. I put the stylesheet in the folder. I used the @import url(“../catch-box/style.css”) and of course, the Template: catch-box above that. I used my FTP to upload and when it’s installed I get the “cheatin ‘uh?” message. the parent theme is installed, too, by the way. What’s causing this? Not sure where I’ve gone wrong. Also, maybe to save some frustration- if I just continue on with the one-click child theme, but I need to make changes in functions.php, is there a way to do this without losing them in a future upgrade? In trying to fix all this I’ve basically deleted all the work I did in getting my site to look the way I want. It’s a pretty easy fix, since it’s not actually up and running yet, but I want to get it right off the bat so I’m not screwed in the future. My site is Thanks for help!!!
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