• Hey All, I had gotten this error while attempting to change my password through the ‘myprofile’ section in the admin panel:

    Catchable fatal error: Object of class __PHP_Incomplete_Class could not be converted to string in /home/user/public_html/domain name/wp-includes/functions.php on line 1463

    lines 159-167 read:
    foreach ( (array) $array as $k => $v ) {
    if ( is_array( $v ) ) {
    $array[$k] = add_magic_quotes( $v );
    } else {
    /**1463*/ $array[$k] = addslashes( $v );
    return $array;

    I had added the /**1463*/ to distinguish line 1463 from the rest.

    I believe this is a wide-wordpress glitch as I have copied and pasted my other functions.php from another website (three websites actually).

    Any help is appreciated!

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  • Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Did you get a fresh copy of that file from a wordpress.zip file?

    Can you change your password on those other sites?

    Thread Starter techtubemedia


    no, I didnt bother because I can change my password on the other sites fine. They are all the (exact) same size.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Okay so what you’re saying is on ONE site out of four you can’t change your password. Logic says this is not a “wide-wordpress glitch” since if it was, all your sites would have the problem ??

    Turn off your plugins on the afflicted site and try again. One of them could be borking things.

    Also I’d try a manual re-upload of ALL the WordPress core files for 3.01. You may have a file corruption in a different file (one that CALLS the functions file, for example, and is passing bad info to it).

    Thread Starter techtubemedia


    Alright, what you said was pretty much true. ?? (forgot to mention this one is 3.0.1 the rest still are using 2.9 :|)

    Anyways, tried the plugins, that didnt seem to work, and I am currently uploading the core wordpess files.

    Thread Starter techtubemedia


    nothing seems to have been fixed :O

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    I went and double checked, changing a password on a multi-site account, without any issues.

    Are the plugins still off?

    Try switching to the default theme as well.

    The only other thought is maybe this server is different from the others. What version of PHP is on your server? You may need PHP 5.

    Thread Starter techtubemedia


    plugins are off, will try changing theme and trying again.

    Still is not working.

    And the PHP information is confusing.

    I am on Hostgator, and here is what I can gather:

    Web server

    MySQL client version: 5.1.48
    PHP extension: mysql.

    Version information: 3.2.4

    I take it my PHP version is 3.2.4?

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    No, that’s phpMyAdmin, which is an interface to access SQL (yeah, I know, you were hoping I’d un-confuse you!).

    Hostgator claims to use PHP 5.2.13 (per https://support.hostgator.com/articles/pre-sales-questions/what-software-and-program-versions-does-hostgator-offer )

    I’d ask them, though, since some of that contradicts what you have.

    Thread Starter techtubemedia


    Well, ive got 5.2.4. I checked with them, and went to the “program versions” tab.

    So What’s next? I’m pretty sure it’s not the plugins as I even went to uninstalling them all.

    Didnt work while i switched over themes

    (Most Likely) not due to the PHP version.

    I tried putting the default wordpress core files back up. Nothing seems to have worked.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    While it works for me, I’d report it as a bug.


    Thread Starter techtubemedia


    Alright, thanks again, great help.

    Take Care and have a great week.

    Tech Tube Media

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