UPDATED: Nevermind lol…after seeing MOSHU’s reply I understand that they are asking for something more extensive which WP doesn’t provide really…
<think> Why not just get a plugin like RUNPHP or PHPEXEC or something and add the call tags for whatever you want, inside that page you’re making.
Instead of making the page with text, add the call tags for the stuff you want showing up within that page.. It might not be perfect or whatever…but it’s something lol. I dunno, maybe I’m just not under fer fluckin understanding your intentions or something lol.
Just remember though, when using RUNPHP plugin, you’ll need to put a checkmark in the box option for eval() Content which is under the Allow Pings option when creating the page..
< sips more beer > mmm….good! Better just keep mouth shut unless I know for sure what I can help ppl with hahaha… < sips again > …..yep!