• I moved my blog from minorityblog.wordpress.com to https://www.jennifersorge.com/pmatos/homepage but the main address is https://www.pmatos.net which redirects there.

    I exported my blog from wordpress.com and imported at jennifersorge.com/… which is running version 2.7.1.
    On the right sidebar only one category shows up: Uncategorized.
    However, I have posts in several categories and I have several posts and categories:
    413 Posts 520 Comments
    7 Pages 456 Approved
    31 Categories 0 Pending
    225 Tags 64 Spam

    If I go to posts I can see posts are categorized in different categories, like for example:
    is categorized under Life.

    If I go to categories on my admin panel all categories show up with 0 posts:
    Life life 0
    Linux linux 0
    Lisp lisp 0

    even though they have posts categorized in them. All categories have 0 posts excepted Uncategorized that shows up with 51 which is a wierd number.

    Any ideas of what’s going wrong?


    Paulo Matos

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