• I’ve installed the Blueidea theme that I found on the WordPress themes page.

    I’m having problems with:

    Category links do not work – click a category link and it just re-displays the blog home page

    Same with the Archive Month links

    The RSS feed did not work (now sorted thanks to a friend who made a suggestion for the correct code)

    It’s not widget aware

    I’ve emailed the developer twice but have had no response.

    How can I get this sorted? I’ve done a lot of work on this layout and really do not want to have to change the theme template.



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  • Link to theme download, please.

    Also a link to your site to see the problem is helpful.

    Thread Starter carolaeb


    Sorry – that was bit stupid of me not including links wasn’t it?

    blog page: https://www.copywriting4b2b.com

    Theme download page: Blueidea


    ~ Carol

    Installed that theme on a test blog and it worked just fine. I’m using 2.3.1 for that test blog. Try updating your permalinks. Administration > Options > Permalinks

    As for the ‘not widget ready’ only can point you to how to make it widget ready.

    Thread Starter carolaeb


    Thanks Michael,

    updating the permalinks worked great for the categories and RSS feed. I’ll go explore the the widget ready info now.

    Brilliant support – much appreciated.

    Thread Starter carolaeb


    Well 3 out of 4 is good. The category, month & RSS links are OK.

    I honestly didn’t understand the widgetizing stuff – it seems to be aimed at the theme developers. I’m not a programmer or theme developer – just an end-user, so I suppose I’ll just have to live without widget add-ons unless the author does respond to my earlier emails.

    Thanks anyway Michael

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