Categories summary page not displaying correctly
I have a category list menu.
When I click on a category I am presented with the summary of posts in that category.
However, in cases where the post has an image included on it at the start of the page, it does not display.
Instead no picture is shown and the following code is visible in the summary page:
“[caption id="attachment_92" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="here is the test"][/caption] “
The same thing happens with a plugin (the field is shown, but not the contents that field is supposed to display) – although I don’t expect an answer on this point as it is a third party tool, whereas the graphic is part of a core release.
When I then click the title, to see the full post, the picture can be seen.
I have the very latest edition of WordPress running.
Here you can see the effect of the above description….
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