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  • Thread Starter Daniele


    UPDATE: i have a caytegory list widget with a list link og categories…

    Hi Daniele, Just to make sure I understand – you want to show a list of events from a single category on a single page?

    Thread Starter Daniele


    i have a list of categories on a sidebar… when i click on a single category (on category widget list) i would like to display all events of that category, but with the same page layout (news page), with the same sidebar…. i don’t understand how this plugin work because if a visit a category link, it display me the category list events without a good layout and i don’t understand what is the template is used to display the category list events….

    It is too complicated…..

    You can set which page is used to display categories by going to

    Events > Settings > Pages > Event Categories

    and then choosing the page you want to use as your template.

    Let me know if you’re still having problems.

    Thread Starter Daniele


    the problem is right there… i chosen the ‘news’ page for display the category list events… but the category list events is not correctly displaied… is like a page without style…


    for the single category template, you can create new taxonomy template within your directory and rename it as taxonomy-events-categories.php and then for the formatting try this

    <?php get_header(); ?>
     <div class="post-inner">
      global $post, $EM_Category, $wp_query;
         $EM_Cat = em_get_category($wp_query->queried_object->term_id);
           <h1><?php echo $EM_Cat->output('#_CATEGORYNAME'); ?></h1><br/>
           <p><?php echo $EM_Cat->output('#_CATEGORYNOTES'); ?></p><br/>
           <h3>Next Events</h3><br/>
            <p><?php echo $EM_Cat->output('#_CATEGORYNEXTEVENTS'); ?></p>
    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>
    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    *you can change the div layout base on your single.php

    Thread Starter Daniele


    Very thanks!! I’ll try this…

    I’ll let you know.


    Hi there,

    the same problem occurs at my categories page; your solution ist working for the ‘Categories’-page itself, but if I call a subcategory by link, the ‘undefined-template’-problam remains.

    How can I attach a /categoy/sumcategory/ events-listing to a template of my choice?

    the body class stays at “page page-template-default … “

    Any ideas?


    Can you post a link?

    Yes, but it takes a little moment, because the site is still at my local development envirement and I have to move it online

    Thanks for caring

    Hi, back again.
    Please have a look at

    (self-defined event-listing, working fine)

    If you choose “Themen der betrieblichen Praxis” at the left sidebar, you’ll reach an event listing of a sub-sub-category as an example that doesn’t match to my template (or to any defined template).

    The event -page itself ( works fine

    Thanks for helping

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    unfortunately, some themes won’t play nice with this method we use, and I can’t completely blame the theme itself either because what we do is admittedly hacky. we’re tricking WP to think the category archive page is a normal ‘page’.

    If this doesn’t work for you, the only viable solution is to create a template page yourself in your theme. With some luck it could be very easy, just a case of copy/renaming a file.

    You need to create a template file called taxonomy-event-categories.php as described here –

    try copying a file like page.php or a specific template file you’d like to use in your theme.


    Thanks for your explanation, I thought the whole time that I tried exactly what you explained. Then I found my stupid typo ‘taxonomy-event*s*-categories.php’…

    Now it works perfektly.


    [x] resolved

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