• I have a woocommerce store. when i change in product it clear cache for product but parent category do not flash cache.

    we have setup like this https://prnt.sc/-IgmBkUHlDsj
    Example product is assign on a category name child-1. it has another parent category called parent.
    i see child-1 is flash but not parent. so parent does not show product proper.

    how to fix it.

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  • Plugin Support Gradient



    Pls, test what categories are updated by putting this expression @termsOfClass@categories@product@1234 to Operate block in Manager, where 1234 is needed product ID for testing. This expression enumerates all categories that this product have.

    Thread Starter Rokeybur Rahman


    yes it clear cache of categories of that product. now how i can make it automated?

    Thread Starter Rokeybur Rahman



    Plugin Support Gradient


    So, this expression is in the update list, so, it should work. Pls, change some product and check optimization queue after that.

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