Just wanted to say thanks mollysummer, for asking the question, and moshu, of course for answering it!
This was exactly what I wanted to do, and you helped me accomplish that.
Even though the question didn’t get fully resolved I was able to go off of your advice Moshu.
Just a note for others wanting to do this out there:
Change the archive.php to category.php then edit the category.php to accomplish what you want. For just links, edit out the ” <?php the_content(); ?> = the post content) ” stuff as moshu stated.
Also, note that the links you click on to go to the Post page will use single.php for its template (default theme)
. Further editing of single.php will give you control over how each individual post page will look.
And I also implemented the “other posts from cat” plugin by aliester ( dagondesign.com )
to further increase navigability.
Hope this helps.