• I’ve inherited a wordpress installation and have noticed that when trying to access posts from the sidebar within a category, a blank page comes up. I’ve noticed that the url contains a ‘category’ directory as in:


    If I manually remove that bit (category/) it comes up fine. What’s going on here and how do I remedy it?

    Thanks much.

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  • It’s inserting the category because that’s the ‘base’ of category links. I’m assuming that this blog was upgraded from a previous version.

    Personally, I’d try rebuilding your permalinks. If that doesn’t help, list your permalink structure here so we can see it.


    I found this plugin, but can’t recommend it as I haven’t used it:


    Thread Starter keress


    How do I go about rebuilding the permalinks? I don’t believe anything special was done with the permalink structure other than setting it to the name and date setting.

    Thread Starter keress


    Could it be significant that I can see no .htaccess in the same root with the blog?

    How do I go about rebuilding the permalinks?

    Settings / Permalinks / Save Changes

    Could it be significant that I can see no .htaccess in the same root with the blog?

    dot files (those that begin with a period) are hidden by default. Make sure you’re viewing hidden files as well in your FTP or file manager.

    Thread Starter keress


    I’ve been doing that, re-saving the permalinks settings. Still a URL using “categories” instead of the date format comes up blank. I get my header, sidebar and footer but there’s no content coming through.

    The permalink structure is:


    Thanks so much for helping.

    Thread Starter keress


    I know this is another topic, but I’m wondering if it might be a clue to what’s going on here. I also can’t get the <!–More–> function to work. I have ‘summary’ set in the reading settings, but it still displays the entire post on the index.php page.

    Thread Starter keress


    I found this plugin, but can’t recommend it as I haven’t used it:


    I tried this, and then messed around with every variation on a custom permalink structure I could think of, but nothing worked. Oddly, on occasion I would get the first link in the list to work, but then the others wouldn’t work.

    I still don’t understand, if wp needs the year/month/day thing in the address to find the post, why is it converting all that to ‘category’ which it can’t read. What could be hanging up the little process that substitutes the year/month/day it needs?

    We did a one-click upgrade of wp on Dreamhost.


    Try making a change, saving your permalinks, verify that it saved correctly, and then clear your browser’s cache.

    Beyond that, I might need to actually see the setup.

    Thread Starter keress


    I found it! There was a little glitch in the template code.

    ?php wp_meta(); ?>
    <?php /* If this is the frontpage */
    if ( is_home() || is_page() ) { ?>
    <?php get_links_list(); ?>

    There’s no resolution to the if statement, so since this wasn’t the index of the blog or a page, it didn’t know what to do next and just hung there. I took out the if statement and a <?php } ?> that was at the very bottom of the footer to get it to work. There was never any need for an if there, anyway.

    I’m surprised there weren’t more pages breaking.

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