• HI Everyone,
    I have five categories say CA, CB, CC, CD, CE,(C- Category)(A, B, C denotes different Categories), I have posts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …, some are under one category some under other say 1 is under CA 2 is under CB, its fine so far, i have made the categories as menus and when i click on them it is displaying right posts, but I want to have all the posts on one page so I made one category and called ALL it is displaying all posts but randomly i want it to display based on categories or colours differentiating each category
    for eg:
    post1 post2 post4 post7 CA – Blue
    Post 6 post3 post5 post8 CB – Red
    post10 post11 post9 post12 CD – Green

    but now it is showing

    post1 post2 post3 post4
    Post 5 post6 post7 post8
    post9 post10 post11 post12

    can I also have a search option in ALL page so that if I want to look for only CA category posts then it should display
    post1 post2 post4 post7

    I am not really a coding guy, but I have pretty much getaway with word-press as there is not much coding as everything is based on widgets, plugins.

    I am desperate about getting this up live any help would be very much appreciated, please


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  • This is a very ‘customized’ request. You could try to piece together some plugins, but I doubt your going to be able to do that.

    Categories displays are very popular in requests, however, they are requested to be displayed 50 different ways. So finding one plugin that will support your needs is going to be slim.

    Your probably going to have to code this — or have this coded for you — to get the full effect of what you are wanting.

    From what I take from your post,

    .. but I want to have all the posts on one page so I made one category and called ALL it is displaying all posts but randomly i want it to display based on categories or colours differentiating each category

    What you need to do is create a template part.


    In this template part, you need to create a loop that will call up each category. Then within the loop, you need to create a foreach, so foreach category, display posts.

    This will allow you to display the posts by category…

    So if your posts were in the cats like this…

    cat 1 = p2 p5 p8 p9
    cat 2 = p1 p4 p10 p12
    cat 3 = p3 p6 p7 p11

    your end result would be displayed like this

    p2, p5, p8, p9, p1, p4 ect ect ect

    Is this correct?

    Thread Starter ramith


    Hi Kreat Vjustin,
    Thanks for your reply and this is what i want exactly is there any way i can get the code to get this implemented so that i can use to my site please, Thank you very much


    Yeah, let me see if I can code you one up real quick, then I will post my results.


    Here we go, I coded this for you, I believe this is what you are wanting. It is very raw and could use some improvement, but this will get you started.

    $categories = get_categories();
    foreach ($categories as $cat) {  /* Calls up each category */
    	echo '<h2> ' . $cat->cat_name . '</h2>'; /* Displays category name /*
    	$newquery = new WP_Query(); /* New Query to call up posts */
        $newquery->query('category_name=' . $cat->cat_name . '&showposts=20');
    	while ( $newquery->have_posts() ) : $newquery->the_post(); /* Posts exist, so let's display them. */
    		echo '<div>' . the_title() . '</div>';

    Use the link I posted in the above posts to learn how to use page parts, or you can use this as a function.

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