• I am attempting to allow public subscribers to choose which categories they would like to subscribe to using Subscribe2. I actually do not wish to have ANY registered users on my site, I will only ever require an email address to subscribe (e.g. all subscribers will be Public). I’d prefer to never have subscribers access the WordPress backend – but I’d like to allow those users to choose categories once, when they subscribe.

    I’ve been able to add a radio button list to the shortcode by adding the following code to the shortcode() function within class-s2-frontend.php :

    $this->form = "<form method=\"post\"" . $action . "><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ip\" value=\"" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\" />" . $antispam_text . "<p><label for=\"s2email\">" . __('Your email:', 'subscribe2') . "</label>
    <input type=\"text\" name=\"email\" id=\"s2email\" value=\"" . $value . "\" size=\"" . $args['size'] . "\" />" . $wrap_text . "</p><h3>Select Categories</h3>";

    $categories=get_categories(array( 'taxonomy' => 'themes_cat'));
    foreach($categories as $category) {
    $this->form .= "<input type='checkbox' name='cats[]' value='$category->term_id' /> ";
    $this->form .= $category->cat_name;
    $this->form .= '
    $this->form .= "
    " . $this->input_form_action . "</form>";
    $this->s2form = apply_filters('s2_form', $this->form);

    However, I have hit a wall in trying to save those selections and only sending posts within those categories to the public subscribers. I am sending a weekly digest. As above, the categories I’d like users to subscribe to are part of a custom taxonomy called “themes_cat”. My subscribe form is currently private but I can link you on request.

    Any help would be very much appreciated!



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  • @cpostill / Christopher

    Okay, you’ve got the form showing, the next things you need to do are:

    1.Decide where you are going to store the category settings for Public Subscribers (this doesn’t exist in the current code because it isn’t an option).
    2. Process and store the users category settings when the forms are submitted.
    3. Consider finding a way to allow editing of category selections.
    4. Rewrite the digest email code to allow category selection to be implemented – it currently isn’t an option as with a small number of users and a few categories you can rapidly be generation lots of different emails at the time of sending the digest – PHP isn’t designed to quickly handle that kind of task.

    Am I understand this correctly? Suscbribe2 doesn’t allow public subscribers to choose the categories of notification? This is important to me as well, but I’m don’t know the code, so I would need to look for a solution elsewhere.



    Your understanding is correct. Subscribe2 does not allow category based subscription for Public Subscribers.

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