• Resolved exbionic


    Hi all,

    I am setting up a site for a company that produces television commercials. They want to be able to have their videos split by both genre and the director who worked on the piece. I thought the best way to go about this would be to use categories i.e. have 2 master categories – genres and directors to which child cats such as Drama, Animation or the directors names could be added.

    When the user clicks on the main nav button Genres, for example, I would like to have a ‘grid view’ of all the genre child categories each with an associated thumbnails that link to all the post within each of these child categories.

    I found this snippet in the codex:

    <?php wp_list_categories('orderby=id&show_count=1
    &use_desc_for_title=0&child_of=8'); ?>

    This outputs the child categories that I need but I was wondering if anyone knew how I could get a thumbnail to appear too?

    I recall using the ‘the_author’ tag once to display a jpg to show a profile photo next each post created by an author (the jpg file name had to the same as the authors’ name) and thought something similar could be used here. I just have no idea how to go about it :-S

    Any help, as ever, would be greatly appreciated.


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  • Thread Starter exbionic


    Should anyone be looking for a solution to this in the future I managed to solve this by installing this plug-in:


    I also installed the PHP Exec plugin so that I could write the following into a WordPress page:

    <ul class="floatleft"><?php catcus_list('<li><a href=" %caturl%"><img src="../wp-content/images/%catname%.jpg" width="100px" height="100px"></a><br/>%catname%</li>','3','cat_name',0); ?></ul>

    It outputs an unordered list (styled by css to float left), of all the category names and a jpg file that MUST have the same as the category. This then links to the list of posts within each category.

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