Hi there, thanks for your feedback!
General statement: the plugin was just updated to v3.2.0 and brings updated translations for 2.2.x and former 2.1.x branch of WooCommerce! Very old 2.0.x branch support was removed now. The updated version should fix the Javascript bug in the admin also and brings an updated AGB-Sentence for the checkout.
Also: you are always free to NOT use my plugin if you find any problems or such. I am not forced to provide support here. I always wanted to provide it and will. However, I had a personal crisis in the last months since this year’s spring which was not easy for my, my family and my business. This plugin work here, at the moment, happens in my spare time!! (That means evenings, nights and weekends!)
I’ll reply to all your points.
for introdcution:
Thanks for your compliment here! Making the translations very accurate was always a goal, since day one in fall of 2011! That is needed for me personally and for my clients!
for 1)
I always tried my best to provide compatibility with that plugin. My plugin was released way earlier than theirs back in 2012. However, they rarely do anything to provide compat on their behalf, though I made various attempts to work with them on this. I always tried to make the checkout AGB-Sentence to common sense and used the version of packaged translations or from German Market or from community suggestions. I will keep that practice. I cannot and will not provide numerous testing with German Market plugin if the continue to “work against” my plugin in their marketing. This is bad practice in my opinion. Also, since this summer there’s a competitor plugin for them so it is becoming even more complicated for me to test things out. However, I am still doing my best to provide the best and easiest way for the end user if it is technically possible for me and if I find the time for it.
for 2)
I already answered it above. Again: I am not forced on www.ads-software.com to give support! Also, I had a hard time since this spring. Enough said to this point.
for 3)
This is very easy! The management of translation updates is easier via a plugin. Also, overridings on updates from WooCommerce can be avoided with such a language plugin.
Also, the quality of a translation from one hand is better IMHO, than a mixed up community translation which is not “in one stream” and changes philosophy and glossary way too often. Most of the time it was/is also unfinished. Only my translation provide the same quality since fall of 2011 in formal and informal translations.
I tried to work with Mike Jolley of WC dev, but they updated too often in former times, and changed strings in the last minute. This made things complicated. Still, with their WC v2.2.x this mess seems to continue.
I make not a living from translations! This is freetime side project! However, donations are always welcome! Also, I try to sell a few translatons in future (not this one here of course, this one is kept free!), but only for a “Schutzgebühr”.
I can update my plugin if I find the right time for translating AND testing and not after the messy WC release schedule!
If you are willing to adjust your rating, which I find really undeserved currently, I would be more than happy. I guess you can imagine.
Thanks still in any case!