Hi there,
Your site opens super slow to me, some images do not even load to me… It seems that most of your images are opened through PHP on cwsd.php
Opening images with PHP is one of the worst possible things for performance… I suggest you change your theme or whatever plugin is doing that, cause it makes no sense.
Icons missing can be caused by several reasons that may occur simply from the merging of css or js files, although usually it’s css related.
You can try to choose the option to “preserve the order of css files” and if that doesn’t work, try to select the option to inline all css.
If that doesn’t help, it could be related to your site using that php file to open the images. If you are sure it’s not, then try to read the faqs and try to find the conflicting file and add it to the ignore list.
Alternatively, perhaps you can try the autoptimize plugin, which may be easier to setup.