• Is there a code I can enter into the custom css to center my slideshare powerpoint?

    The website is optimumwlth.com and the powerpoint is under “Presenations”

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  • How are you inserting the powerpoint into your website? Shortcode? Can you please paste it here.

    Do you use a plugin to display that presentation iframe? If not, and you copy that ifram code directly from slideshare, then you can wrap the iframe in a div like this code:

    <div id="presentation" style="text-align: center;">
    <iframe width="550" height="451" frameborder="0" src="https://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/53756522" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"></iframe><br>

    ^^ note how i’ve used the iframe code from your site at the moment. I’ve also styled the div so that it centers the presentation.

    Hopefully that makes sense.

    Thread Starter dessy.raza


    Mathew, I inserted the powerpoint from slideshare via the link they provided into the pages section. Here is the code:

    [slideshare id=53756522&doc=owmclientpresentation-rev141231-151009221432-lva1-app6892&w=550&h=400]

    Innuvo, no I didn’t use a plugin. I simply pasted the code into the page. That code didn’t seem to work but maybe I’m doing something wrong.

    I think it would be better if you just inserted it with an iframe. Then you can use @innuvo code.

    Thread Starter dessy.raza


    Okay so I downloaded the iframe plugin and tried using that code in my pages but it just shows the code on the page. I also tried using the code in custom css but it doesn’t do anything.

    Try this. Put it into your page.

    [slideshare style="text-align: center;" id=53756522&doc=owmclientpresentation-rev141231-151009221432-lva1-app6892&w=550&h=400]

    Thread Starter dessy.raza


    That code works to the extent that the powerpoint shows up but it’s still not centered


    [slideshare style="text-align: center; float: center; align: center;" id=53756522&doc=owmclientpresentation-rev141231-151009221432-lva1-app6892&w=550&h=400]

    Thread Starter dessy.raza


    Hmm still didn’t seem to work

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