I’m having the same issue. I want to have the site navigation in the footer, but couldn’t figure out how to do it, so here’s what I did. It works great, but the problem is that it doesn’t adjust along with the rest of the site for window size, ie: small window, tablet or phone. Any suggestions? The site is psychomatrix.therandallgroupllc.com
<footer style="position: absolute; background: #ffffff; padding-left: 0px;
padding-top: 10px; padding-right: 0px; width: 960px; height: 58px; text-align: center;"><h5> <a href="https://psychomatrix.therandallgroupllc.com">Home</a>? ? ?<a href="https://psychomatrix.therandallgroupllc.com/dr-wolman/">Dr. Wolman</a>? ? ?<a href="https://psychomatrix.therandallgroupllc.com/personality-inventory/">Personality Inventory</a>? ? ?<a href="https://psychomatrix.therandallgroupllc.com/spirituality-inventory/">Spirituality Inventory</a>? ? ?<a href="https://psychomatrix.therandallgroupllc.com/matchmakers-dating-coaches/">Matchmakers & Dating Coaches</a>? ? ?<a href="https://psychomatrix.therandallgroupllc.com/workshops/">Workshops</a>? ? ?<a href="mailto:[email protected]">Contact Us</a></h5>
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