• Resolved Tonk



    I have created a course and certificate (under engagements).
    When a student completes the course, They get a notification about the certificate.

    My problem is that the certificate is not in the ‘My Certificates’ section on the dashboard page that shows your courses etc..

    Whan a students completes a course, a certificatie is generated, and shows in Reports >> course >> student >> certificates.

    My problem:
    Whatever I do I can not get any certificates to show in the students dashboard under ‘My certficates”…..

    Hope someone has the golden tip!

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  • Hi @tonk

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    Can you please send us your LifterLMS System report? This will give us a brief overview of your setup.

    You can use services like Imgur, Dropbox, or Pastebin to share screenshots, system reports, and logs. Remember that this is a public forum. If you don’t want your URLs, server paths, and other potentially sensitive information posted publicly and archived indefinitely you should blur or remove this information from your logs and screenshots before posting.

    Also, have you created the certificate itself(not the engagement). See here: https://lifterlms.com/docs/how-to-create-a-certificate/

    Thank you

    Thread Starter Tonk



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    Template Overrides

    Hi @tonk

    Can you disable all plugins except LifterLMS and switch to a default theme like Twenty Twenty and see if the issue rectifies itself.

    If it does, it might mean a plugin or theme conflict, you’ll need to reactive the plugins one after the other to see the conflicting plugin.

    Let us know how it goes.

    Thank you ??

    Since I haven’t heard back from you in a week I’m going to mark this thread as resolved. Don’t worry, if you have more questions or still need help just hit reply and let me know!

    Have a great day!

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