• Thanks for a fine looking theme.

    Using Contact Form 7, I tried adding a consent acceptance checkbox, required by GDPR, and found out that the input is not shown, and the styling of the label is completely off.

    Please see the bottom of this page – if I add an acceptance checkbox (I also tested a regular textbox and radio button, same thing – it screws up the styling and also disables the submit button.

    This looks like a bug to me – seems this nice styling of CF7 fails completely if there are checkboxes or radio buttons included. The checkboxes and radio buttons are just hidden, their labels overlay other form elements, and it disables the submit functionality, completely.

    Please have a look – is there something I can do?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter iohannis


    Actually I just thought of that the submit button is probably disabled because the acceptance checkbox hasn’t been ticked. But the styling of the disabled submit button is off (in my opinion), plus that checkboxes and radio buttons don’t work, so you can’t actually accept, to enable the submit button.

    Thread Starter iohannis


    I also tried looking for a checkbox in your demos, but it seems like sloppy work, since most demos link to the Demo 5 link (several of them) and none seem to have forms as examples.


    Please, use this extra CSS code :

    input[type="checkbox"] {
        width: 13px !important ;
        -webkit-appearance: checkbox !important;

    Please, let me know if it worked for you.


    I have the same problem…

    Ionut, your solution doesn′t work

    Hi iohannis,

    I uninstall the theme Materialis and install just another one and it works.

    I think Materialis has a CSS problem in their code.

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