CF7 not sending attachments (file) with eMails
I’m using WP version 4.5.2 (currently latest release) and CF7 version 4.4.2 (currently latest release). I built a page to confirm or deny an order for our customers – sorry it’s all in German – wich can only be accessed by an URL with proper parameters. Here is a demo link:
Besides the options to say “NO” to deny the offer and “YES” to accept the offer as it is I also provide the option to say “YES, BUT” and let the customer upload a modified copy of the order (with remarks or deletions); therefore I use a form field “Attachment”.
[simplehidden Customer_Number default:get][simplehidden Customer_Code default:get][simplehidden Offer_Number default:get][simplehidden Offer_Date default:get][simplehidden Offer_Link default:get] [select Decision default:2 "Ich m?chte das Angebot NICHT annehmen. | Ablehnung" "Ich m?chte das Angebot wie angeboten annehmen. | Vollst?ndige Annahme" "Ich m?chte das Angebot mit ?nderungen annehmen und lade das bearbeitete Angebot hier hoch: | Modifizierte Annahme"]<br /> [file Attachment limit:5mb]<br /> <p class="wpcf7-subtext">Bitte drücken Sie auf den Knopf "Choose File" und w?hlen Sie die von Ihnen überarbeitete PDF-Datei aus.</p> <label>Ich best?tige meine Entscheidung durch die Eingabe meines Geburtsdatums:<br />[text* Customer_Birthday]</label> <label>Bitte senden Sie mir eine Kopie dieser Entscheidung per eMail an:</label><br />[email* Customer_eMail default:get]<br /> <label>[acceptance terms-of-trade] Ich akzeptiere die <a href="/geschaeftsbedingungen/">Gesch?fts-Bedingungen</a> der CONSERVE.</label> <label>[acceptance privacy-statement] Ich akzeptiere die <a href="/impressum/#datenschutz">Datenschutz-Erkl?rung</a> der CONSERVE.</label> [recaptcha size:compact]<br />[submit "Senden"]
PROBLEM: The attached file does not get delivered with the eMail.
The eMail (1 to us and 2 to the customer) get delivered properly. But both do not include the attachment.
Of course I already tried several trouble-shootings:
change the name of the filed “Attachment” to low caps only (“attachment”) – no result.
check the htaccess file in the uoload directory (“wp-content/uploads/wpcf7_uploads/”) and commented the line “Deny from all” – no result.
changed the trustees of the upload directory to 777 – no result.Any (quick) help will be appreciated. Thank you very much in advance.
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