CFDB with Google Spreadsheet = error 500
Hello, awesome plugin.
Im using it for 4+ months without a glich, the last few days i get an error 500 as a popup in function in the google spread sheet. I updated to latest version but still I get the same.I got Contact form 7, and 24 results in the db i try to fetch.
I copy below the interesting parts of the error message (the rest is formating code)
error: Request failed for https://u*gr/wp-login.php?redirect_to=wp-admin/admin-ajax.php%3Faction%3Dcfdb-export%26form%3D%CE%93%CE%AF%CE%BD%CE%B5%CF%84%CE%B5%2B%CE%BC%CE%AD%CE%BB%CE%BF%CF%82%2B%CF%84%CE%B7%CF%82%2B%CE%88%CE%BD%CF%89%CF%83%CE%B7%CF%82%2B%CE%86%CE%B8%CE%B5%CF%89%CE%BD. returned code 500. Server response:
<lots of formating code here></head> <body id=”error-page”> <p>You do not have sufficient permissions to access this data.</p></body> </html> (line 86, file “Code 002”)(line 86, file “Code 002”) refers to the following line of code on the Google Spreadsheet (exact line marked in strong)
function fetchCF7ToDBCSVResponse(siteUrl, formName, search, user, pwd) {
var encformName = encodeURI(formName).replace(new RegExp(“%20”, “g”), “%2B”);
var url = siteUrl + “/wp-login.php?redirect_to=wp-admin/admin-ajax.php%3Faction%3Dcfdb-export%26form%3D” + encformName;
if (search != null && search != ”) {
url += ‘%26search%3D’ + encodeURI(search);
return UrlFetchApp.fetch(
method: “post”,
payload: “log=” + encodeURI(user) + “&pwd=” + encodeURI(pwd)
}since i havent changed anything in the credits of the user I use to log on, or in the function calling, or or.. im stuck. please help ??
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