• Resolved ddangelillo


    Using your blog post on ACF repeater and this question, I’ve gotten close to getting the repeating field to work.

    There are 3 cfs fields that I’m doing a test on. the CSV looks like:
    cfs_short_description cfs_model_number cfs_model_capacity
    this is the short description 1,2,3 a,b,c

    Code is this:

    // Create containers
        $meta_array = array();
        $repeater_array = array();
        foreach ($meta as $key => $value) {
            /* If custom filed name is "textfield"
            if ($key == 'textfield') {
                // Convert field name to ACF Field key
                $meta_array['field_52528d5b8ad30'] = $value; */
            // If custom field name is "select"
            if ($key == 'cfs_model_number') {
                // To import to the "Select" field, split the comma divided data to array
                $repeater_array['model_number'] = preg_split("/,+/", $value);
            // Create array data to import to the Repeater Field
            } elseif ($key == 'cfs_model_capacity') {
                 $repeater_array['model_capacity'] = preg_split("/,+/", $value);
            // Pass through normal (not ACF) custom field data
            } else {
                $meta_array[$key] = $value;
        // Insert Repeater data
        $meta_array['model_numbers'] = $repeater_array;

    Net result on the import is that the short description gets added correctly to wp_postmeta with: key=short_description value=this is the short description.

    The looped field gets the meta_key of model_numbers added with this in the value:

    I’ve tried adding the cfs_ preface to the fields and that resulted in a fatal error.

    Please let me know if you have any suggestions.


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  • Thread Starter ddangelillo


    just found a second post by dalemoore

    And this worked! The code ended up being:
    `function rsci_meta_filter( $meta, $post, $is_update ) {

    // Show the raw post data from csv
    echo ‘

        echo '


    // Create containers
    $meta_array = array();
    $model_numbers = array(); //array to go into CFS loop field model_numbers

    //separate fields at commas
    $models = array_map(‘trim’, explode(“,”, $meta[‘cfs_model_number’])); // separate at comma and trim whitespace
    $values = array_map(‘trim’, explode(“,”, $meta[‘cfs_model_capacity’])); // separate at comma and trim whitespace

    foreach ($models as $key => $value) {
    $tmp = array();

    $tmp[‘model_number’] = $models[$c];
    $tmp[‘model_capacity’] = $values[$c];

    // Combine all of tmp
    $model_numbers[] = $tmp;

    // Insert repeater data
    $meta_array[‘cfs_model_numbers’] = $model_numbers;

    // Show the converted data
    echo ‘

        echo '


    return $meta_array;

    add_filter( ‘really_simple_csv_importer_save_meta’, ‘rsci_meta_filter’, 10, 3 );’

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