• CG-PowerPack is up. Updates across the major plugins, mostly due to requests from the userbase. Continue to let me know if you have features you are looking for, or issues that need addressing.

    People who got the 1.5.3 release PLEASE re-grab the .1 bugfix — CG-Referrer wasn’t tracking ANYTHING due to a bug in the new tracking variables. Thanks, and sorry for the mixup! ??


    – Moved the Amazon README file to the top level directory
    – fixed missing unicode functions error.

    – now handles picking the right URL out of multiple HREFs per feed.

    – now defaults forceContentClears to FALSE, as some themes showing issues

    – DEFAULTS TO NO BLACKLISTING. Read the readme for updated usage instructions, as there’s a lot of new documentation in there (and may need some tweaks). Basically, there’s now four globals that can be set in wp-config.php to control what gets tracked, and what gets validated/blacklisted (and whether blacklisted referrers get bounced).

    Any Qs, fire away!


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  • Probably means you have neglected to create the directory structure properly. Do you have a directory:

    And have the cg-samecat.php (along with the others I mentioned) in it?

    I think the “headers already sent” stuff is covered pretty well in a bunch of threads (I’ve not had it happen myself, so not sure how to fix it) – try a search for that phrase….

    My suspicion is the headers stuff is there possibly because of the failure of the file to load. If not, I thought I would address that once the first issue was resolved.

    Thanks Beel! it worked!!

    Thread Starter davidchait


    Yes, the headers errors are simply cascade errors due to the initial include failures…


    You’ve got a lot going on at your site so I couldn’t find the result, but congratulations (sorry about the double comment on one of your posts).

    David, I just upgraded from WP 1.5 to yesterday.

    I had CG-Referrer installed and working fine before that, not sure which version, but it was the last one I had installed which did not have all the admin functions that the current version of CG-Referrer has. (CGPP1531)

    In any case, the old version of CG-Referrer I had didn’t work right after I upgraded WP 1.5 to (wp-admin links for CG-Referrer couldn’t load the files linked), so I deactivated CG-Referrer as a plugin, deleted all the CG PowerPack files, and then downloaded the new powerpack and uploaded all the stuff correctly and re-activated … and nothing is logging now. Nothing at all. All the admin screens show all the data from before just fine, but nothing new is logging at all.

    I’ve reloaded everything, gone into my other files and looked for anything old, found the “logreferrer” bit I’d put into my index.php previously under the older plugin, took that out, nothing still would log.

    I then put the four things into wp-config that I can control, and that did nothing.

    I’m not sure what to do now. I have all the right pieces for the plugin. The plugin is reading the MySQL database fine, it’s reading all that older data, but not logging.

    I did delete via PURGE in the admin screen, older than 1 month data, just for the hay of it finally too.

    Hoping you can help me out with some kind of info to get it running again!

    Thread Starter davidchait


    That’s very odd. I’d probably need ftp and admin access to the site to be able to do detailed debugging of why the logging isn’t actually happening — feel free to drop me a line at cgcode at chait dot net whenever you want me to take a look. (I can’t promise a particular day, but I can promise to do it late at night when access is low…).


    Hey ..
    I just grabbed a copy of the CGPP1531 and wanted to set up the referrer logging.. How and where can I see the admin panel for that? :-$ Sorry if it’s a stupid question.. all the readmefiles and plugins in the folders have got me a little confused ..

    David, Hmmm, well then, I’ll do what I was going to do: take it completely out, even out of the DB. I then have another blog that the old version is running on that has not yet been upgraded to WP, same as with the blog I just did yesterday and encounted the problem, so I’ll see what happens with that one … and then I have another new install of a blog that I do not yet have CG-Referrer on … and I’ll see what happens with that if I install it. I have no other plugins on that blog yet.

    I’ll post what happens … hopefully that will give me the answers, if it does work on one of them at the least, then maybe it’s another plugin not playing nice. I’ll check and see what’s what later, and report back here.


    georgianlady – Sorry to here about your troubles – I’ve used CG-Referrer from the get-go (WP 1.0 I believe) and hadn’t had anytrouble with each upgrade (of WP or the CG-plugins). I’ve let David tinker around and tweak other things so I’d let him have a go.

    iddapidda – Once CG-Referrer is activated, you should see a tab called CGRef right along with Dashboard, Write, etc.

    Beel – and what if I don’t? :-S

    … I’ve tried installing this plugin in another blog and still no admin panel.. maybe it’s not working because of another plugin? or I’ve probably missed a step in the installation.. I’ll try again in the morning.

    I assume if it wasn’t there you would get a big error on activation, but make sure you have the cg-plugins folder with all the files located beneath the plugins folder.

    Thread Starter davidchait


    Hmmm. On you shouldn’t be having any problems — of course, there can always be something wacky with another plugin, or because of particular OS, or PHP version, or something else I haven’t accounted for! ??

    Same offer goes for you if you’d like me to try to debug ‘live’ some night on one of your sites.


    Well, I tried uploading everything again, put the cg-plugins folder into my plugins folder and still no admin panel when I activate the desired plugin. And no errors. Just nothing.. strange ??

    I might just take you up on that offer David, thank you ??

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