• CG-PowerPack is up. Updates across the major plugins, mostly due to requests from the userbase. Continue to let me know if you have features you are looking for, or issues that need addressing.

    People who got the 1.5.3 release PLEASE re-grab the .1 bugfix — CG-Referrer wasn’t tracking ANYTHING due to a bug in the new tracking variables. Thanks, and sorry for the mixup! ??


    – Moved the Amazon README file to the top level directory
    – fixed missing unicode functions error.

    – now handles picking the right URL out of multiple HREFs per feed.

    – now defaults forceContentClears to FALSE, as some themes showing issues

    – DEFAULTS TO NO BLACKLISTING. Read the readme for updated usage instructions, as there’s a lot of new documentation in there (and may need some tweaks). Basically, there’s now four globals that can be set in wp-config.php to control what gets tracked, and what gets validated/blacklisted (and whether blacklisted referrers get bounced).

    Any Qs, fire away!


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  • My situation, I had said I’d try a few other things and report back here, David.

    I have done only this: deleted it all from my one blog that I had the trouble with. I have not yet installed it again.

    Secondly I just installed it on my NEW install of WP. Just installing it, activating it and having CG-Referrer create the DB Tables … It isn’t logging any activity that I myself do. The old version did on my other blogs.

    My Host is “dreamhost” for all the sites I’m running WP on. I will just see what happens the rest of the day.

    Let me know if there is any hack I can do if it does automatically know who I am and not log info on me ?? at the least. Please! ??

    I have one older install of WP that is running the older CG-Referrer still … it’s logging away nicely. I’m reticent to upgrade it now. I feel unprotected without CG-Referrer watching my backdoor, windows, cracks in the walls, seeing who walks down the sidewalk, rings the doorbell, leaves mail in the mailbox. ??

    Thread Starter davidchait


    idda – no problem. contact me offline, and we’ll get set up for a quick debug pass.

    gl – I have had lots of my plugins running on dreamhost, but possible that they upgraded php or something and have new default settings that are causing issues. really don’t know.

    as for not tracking you, I believe it is currently set to not track admins (well, users level>=4). somewhere in cg-referrer.php, around line 2387, you’ll see:
    if (!$onTestServer && !$onNewServer && $user_level<4)

    Feel free to temporarily comment out the “&& $user_level<4” part if you want to track yourself. I do that as most folks don’t want to be tracking major admins/users on the site.

    Again, I’m happy to debug it live sometime, just drop me an email at some point and we can try to connect up.


    Thank you David! That did it for at least my NEW install. I have to re-install CG-Referrer on my older upgrade … I took it out as a plugin. It wasn’t logging anything by me, but usually I got lots of search engine traffic, I mean, several a day at least, plus at least a few people searching for something, and I hadn’t gotten any at all, nothing at all, since upgrading, which was odd … and having the same experience with the new blog install was precisely bothersome in not being able to test it out as working by tracking myself, since that’s the only way to test out a new install. ??

    So I’ll report back on the other blogs. Thanks again!

    I got CG-Referrer install again on my old upgraded blog and commented out that same line for tracking users, and voila, it caught me in the logs. So it does work. But I do have a new question about the new version:

    my old cg-referrer install logged the “searches” all in the “search” area of the plugin, that would be external searches coming into the site, as well as internal searches.

    I tested an internal search, it showed up under “recent” showing the search string of the url, but isn’t showing up under “searches”.

    Is that something in the code that I can hack … to break it out or put it into the search … or something?

    Also a question about Bots and such, there is a Yahoo bot on my site right now, but it’s not logging into the BOTS area. I have wp-useronline plugin, so I can see they are active right now, have changed pages a few times in the last few minutes with no logging of them in BOTS or BLOCKED or anywhere that I can find, have yet to look into phpmyadmin.

    I just checked wp-useronline again, and there is now a googlebot on my site, and that’s not logging into BOTS either, so I’m only querying about it, as to if it should show up there, or if there may be a problem, or what’s the possible answer that I just don’t know that you might. Thanks!

    Put this in wp-config….
    $cgr_trackInternalMovement = true;
    (though I think that is the default setting)
    I put them all in config for easy access.

    Beel, I do have that in my wp-config.php file.

    My problem is that I know that there have been several yahoo slurps and google bots on my site since I got this plugin going again, but they aren’t logging in BOTS, and one different bot did log in bots, but it was a blogs ping-related bot after I posted something, the google and yahoo bots aren’t showing up under bots, or anywhere, but they’ve been there, for sure (I also looked in my site access logs to see what was there and also did see them listed on my wp-useronline plugin page in-real-time).

    So basically, internal movement isn’t being logged by the searchenginebots, thus far, though if I search google for something I know is on my site, and click the link, I am logged as coming from a search and that is under “recent” and “searches”.

    But the other thing that is still lacking is if I do an internal search, it’s not logging in the “searches” query listing, but is in the “recent” listing.

    I have all four of the things that are available to put into wp-config for cg-referrer … as:

    $cgr_uniqueOncePerDay = false;
    $cgr_trackInternalMovement = true;
    $cgr_doBlacklistChecks = true;
    $cgr_puntBlacklisted = false;

    Thread Starter davidchait


    I’ve had an in-progress version of CG-Referrer in the works for almost two months now — so I can’t really say offhand why things aren’t logging properly. In the newer code, I’ve done huge revisions to the logging and tracking, so that it is easier to see who is visiting without having an overloaded list.

    Bots that don’t show as bots aren’t being identified properly. That may mean that they aren’t making clear in their useragent that they are a particular bot… I may have fixed/tweaked things with bot detection, but a lot still comes down to them properly ‘announcing’ themselves.

    The internal search tracking may have been broken, I can’t recall. I seem to have something scratching around in the back of my head that I made a fix a month back, but been doing so much other coding… my brain’s a jumble! ??

    The new version is much better at tracking bots and blacklist hits, and moving them ‘off’ the recent page (or having them there but as a single entry with a ‘count’ rather than 20 entries taking up most of the listing!).

    I’ve been meaning to get a new CGPP up for a week now, just haven’t had the testing time. Maybe I’ll toss a new release up tomorrow, let folks give it the extra testing it needs (the CG-Referrer code has been running live on one tester’s site over the past 6-8 weeks, step by step as I’ve made improvements.. so it is very functional). If anyone would like to ‘drop in’ my CG-Referrer update before I get the whole thing packed up, just ping me via email and I can send the three files along without everything else — you can still upgrade everything at any given point.


    I’ve been going crazy trying to get CG-Amazon in CG-Powerpack to work. I want to use other plugins in the Powerpack, but CG-Amazon is the one I’m most interested in, if it’s as good as I’ve heard, and I’ll worry about the other plugins after I get this one working.

    Thing is, it isn’t working. I got it installed and activated, and it wants the cg-plugins/cga-admin.php to be in the wp-admin directory. Ok, so I moved it there, which got the admin to work, at least insofar as calling the cga-config.php file. And that brings up these errors:

    Warning: main(ABSPATHWPINC/pluggable-functions.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/username/public_html/test/wordpress/wp-admin/cg-plugins/cga-config.php on line 22
    Warning: main(ABSPATHWPINC/pluggable-functions.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/username/public_html/test/wordpress/wp-admin/cg-plugins/cga-config.php on line 22
    Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required 'ABSPATHWPINC/pluggable-functions.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/username/public_html/test/wordpress/wp-admin/cg-plugins/cga-config.php on line 22

    I’ve looked at all the files, and there *is* no pluggable-functions.php file. I’ve also moved files around, trying to get the thing to work, and no luck. If there’s anything obvious I’m doing wrong, I’d appreciate a reply. Thanks.

    David posted his e-mail address here somewhere or you can visit his site. Your situation is a head scratcher. DO NOT put any files anywhere but where David says to put them. No files of which I am aware go in wp-admin. He will be able to hook you up ‘cuz I have no idea why your particular setup gives that error message.

    Thanks, but I finally got it after about four tries. I’m not quite sure why it didn’t work the first time, but I finally got it. I usually manage to get plugins and programs working just fine, but this one took a while. The third-or-so time I tried, my FTP program acted buggy, showing me files that weren’t there (but had been the previous time I tried), so that made that attempt almost sure to fail. Anyway, I’ve got the plugin installed, and I’ll hopefully have no more problems, but I’ll deal with the rest tomorrow. Thanks.

    Thread Starter davidchait


    Hey Amulet –

    You can always post a comment on my site, a line to cgcode at chait dot net, or post here. The first two get to me instantly — posts here I don’t always see!

    The pluggable-functions thing is only needed for making sure the user level is already defined… Hopefully future versions of wordpress will encapsulate login/security better so we can all do include_once calls on a particular file to ensure things are loaded already (pluggable-functions was to enable people to override things like login/security stuff…).

    If you run into further issues, please let me know. I’m in the midst of cobbling together a release, maybe tomorrow, and want to pull together fixes… but with my usual luck, I’ll be releasing something soon after that with updates. ??


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