We understand you’ve got just one apartment, but unfortunately there are no configuration settings to hide the “search results” step from the step-bar like in your screen shot, I’m sorry. The only solution would be to hide that 2nd element via CSS through a custom rule. In any case, clicking that button will not lead to any issues or confusion, because if you have configured just one apartment, then there won’t actually be any search results page to pick a room.
The second issue you described with the size of the text and the alignment of the labels is still something that would require a CSS customization. It is necessary to use the browser inspector tool to identify a common class that can be styled to change the font size, style and line height of the labels in order to have them look better with the default CSS rules of your Theme.
Any CSS customization should be placed inside your Theme’s apposite CSS container for custom rules, or you can also use the Configuration page of Vik Booking to modify the apposite CSS file for the front-end customization. The result will be the same, even though such changes are required by the styles of your Theme, and so maybe adding custom CSS rules to your Theme’s settings is the best solution in case one day in the future you will decide to adopt a different Theme for your website.
Unfortunately, this is the most we can tell you, because for any CSS customization it is fundamental to use the browser inspector tool directly on your own website to identify the CSS selector to style and customize according to your needs.
The VikWP Team