• hi my friends, we need a little help, please:
    we have permalinks: site/year/nameofpost
    we should like change in: site/nameofpost
    can please explain us how can make all redirections
    automatic with Redirection Plug In step-by-step
    (we don’t understand of groups, modules, referrer, etc,
    and we are no-profit, we cannot buy tecnichal help for our 3.000 posts)
    love in 2015


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  • Hi Elena,

    The easiest way.

    – go to Tools -> Redirections
    – scroll down to the very bottom
    – you’ll see “Add new redirection” section
    – in “Source URL:” field insert “/\d+(.*)” (without quotation marks)
    – in “Target URL:” field insert “$1” (also without quotation marks)
    – tick Regex box
    – press “Add Redirection” button

    and done!

    Thread Starter Luca Dave


    thank you Tom!!
    without quotation marks you mean
    from: field insert /d+(.*)
    to: field insert $1

    Follow this:

    from: field insert /\d+(.*)
    to: field insert $1

    There was one character (\) missing which I’ve corrected.

    It will strip all numbers from the beginning and preserve the rest.

    You can do it more strict way

    from: /\d+/(.*)

    to: /$1

    Difference is in additional slashes.
    This way you have all links like /2012/post-name filtered but not /1785-year-of-something

    It could be useful in case someone creates a post name starting with numbers.

    Thread Starter Luca Dave


    done! everything seems to work fine!
    I keep my fingers crossed and
    a big hug to you for the help …

    Good luck Elena ??

    Thread Starter Luca Dave


    kind tom, I take advantage of your kindness,
    all redirections work well with the new permalinks with the last formula you suggested.
    I have only one little problem that concerns wordpress:
    when you go into a category of posts and choose in the page selector the second or after comes out withe the error 404,
    in the same way if you make a ‘site search’, the results you can see only on the first page that appears, subsequent others are ‘404’,
    what do you think about?
    Again thank you very much,

    Do you use WP SEO by Yoast? and have “Strip the category base” option checked under Permalinks settings?

    What you describe happened to me so I do not use this feature. Although permalinks look better but they don’t work well with pagination.

    Thread Starter Luca Dave


    no, we do not use WP SEO by Yoast.
    In permalinks page of wordpress we have a “category base”, but until now has not given us problems…

    OK, I can see what is causing problem ??

    Change redirection I’ve shown you before. From field.

    instead of: /\d+/(.*)

    should be: ^/\d+/(.*)

    The only difference is caret character at the beginning. It means, that all comparison should start from the beginning of URL only.

    It should help ??

    Thread Starter Luca Dave


    Tom I love you!!
    (in the sense of brotherhood)
    everything seems to work well
    a big hug

    At your service ?? Good luck Elena.

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