This should be possible by writing a hook into the bcn_after_fill
action and swapping the two breadcrumbs in question. They should be the second and third to last breadcrumbs in the passed in bcn_breadcrumb_trail object. So something like:
add_action('bcn_after_fill', 'my_reordering');
function my_reordering($trail)
$length = count($trail->breadcrumbs);
if(isset($trail->breadcrumbs[$length-2]) && in_array('post-POSTTYPENAME-archive', $trail->breadcrumbs[$length-2]) && isset($trail->breadcrumbs[$length-3]) && in_array('taxonomy', $trail->breadcrumbs[$length-3]))
$post_type_archive = $trail->breadcrumbs[$length-2];
$trail->breadcrumbs[$length-2] = $trail->breadcrumbs[$length-3];
$trail->breadcrumbs[$length-3] = $post_type_archive;
Note that I have not tried the above, but in theory it should do the trick (minus any syntax errors). Note that you must replace POSTTYPENAME with the name of the post type you want to swap with the taxonomy term breadcrumb. Note that for multiple posttypes, you will need to add multiple in_array statements.